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Coronal Mass Ejection
Catalog: M2M_CATALOG
Start Time: 2024-05-03T02:48Z ( SOHO: LASCO/C2 )
All Detecting Spacecrafts:
Activity ID: 2024-05-03T02:48:00-CME-001 (version 3)
Source Location: N26E05
Active Region Number: 13643
Note Keyword:
Faint: Faint event; may affect type assignment
OVR: Event partially overlaps with another CME
PRM: Prominence material (filamentary structures)
Source Signature Keyword:
FLR: Flare
PEA: Post eruption arcade
FIL: Filament eruption
OFL: Moving/Opening field lines
DIM: Dimming
Morphology Keyword:
FS: Flux Rope and Shock Candidate
Note: A relatively faint CME with a narrow brighter and seemingly faster front with filamentary structures (likely the bulk front) and a wider fainter but slower front (likely the shock). The source is an impulsive X1.6 class flare (N26E05) from AR 3663 peaking at 2024-05-03T02:22Z, associated with an eruption with a faint relatively wide dimming mostly NE of the active region and with very gradually rising post-eruptive arcades seen in AIA 193. There is likely a faint EUV wave in AIA 193 but it is not clear.

Submitted on 2024-05-03T16:22Z by Anna Chulaki

A Notification with ID 20240503-AL-003 was sent on 2024-05-03T15:33Z

The List of CME Analysis already entered:
Event Type
Measurement TypeCME measurement type: Leading Edge (LE), Shock Front (SH), Right Hand Boundary (RHB), Left Hand Boundary (LHB), Black/White Boundary (BW), Prominence Core (COR), Disconnection Front (DIS), Trailing Edge (TE).
Prime?"primary flag" which is either True or False. If there are multiple CME analysis entries for a single CME, this flag would indicate which analysis is considered most accurate per measurement type. This is a helpful flag if you would like to download only one most accurate CME analysis per CME per Measurement Type
Half Width
Time 21.5
WSA-ENLIL+Cone Result(s)
Submitted By
CME Analysis M2M_CATALOG SH true SWPC_CAT -14.0 29.0 841.0 C 43.0 2024-05-03T06:52Z Somewhat speculative analysis of the fainter wider front, based on the fit in SOHO LASCO and STEREO COR2 and on the location of the source. Latitude/longtitude and the half width of the fit may vary, so the speed is approximate. 1: Result 1 (2.0 AU)
Earth = 2024-05-05T15:47Z (PE: 4.3 h)
STEREO A = 2024-05-05T16:21Z
Anna Chulaki on 2024-05-03T15:13Z
CME Analysis M2M_CATALOG LE true SWPC_CAT -20.0 33.0 972.0 C 18.0 2024-05-03T06:05Z Analysis of the narrower slightly brighter part of the CME which has filamentary structures. It is likely the bulk of the CME (while the wider fainter front is its shock). This analysis is based on the fit between the front seen in STEREO and SOHO coronagraph imagery and indicates a possible deflection of the CME from the location of the flare towards the northeast. 1: Result 1 (2.0 AU)
Earth = 2024-05-06T06:00Z (PE: 18.5 h)
STEREO A = 2024-05-06T08:00Z
2: Result 2 (2.0 AU)
Anna Chulaki on 2024-05-03T15:16Z

All directly linked activities:
FLR Type: X1.6
Location: Earth

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